When someone’s death is caused by the actions of another person, this is referred to as wrongful death. It’s different than murder since it may not have been the intent of the other person to cause death. However, the actions were negligent for one reason or another. Many different scenarios can result in a wrongful death claim, including car crashes, medical care, or actions while committing another crime. Family members who have been impacted by the loss of a loved one may seek monetary compensation in a wrongful death case. Below are a few examples of potential monetary damages for wrongful death cases.

Medical Expenses

The cost of medical care required for life threatening injuries can be quite extensive. It’s unlikely that insurance will cover the entire cost, leaving family members with the burden of paying those bills. Family members may seek reimbursement for medical expenses in wrongful death cases.

Funeral Costs

Funeral expenses can add up to a lot of money as well. From a casket to funeral home charges and burial fees, the average funeral can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 these days. This can be a hardship for most families, thus it is very common to ask for funeral costs in wrongful death cases.

Loss of Income

Loss of a loved one also involves loss of income and financial support from that family member over their lifetime. If the decedent is a parent, how will his/her spouse and children survive without that income? Many are forced to sell their homes and to make dramatic changes to their lifestyle. Many will therefore seek loss of income in monetary damages for wrongful deaths.

Legal Expenses

The last type of monetary damages for wrongful deaths is legal expenses. The logic behind requesting reimbursement for this expense is that had it not been for the negligence of the defendant, the heirs would not need to file a claim to begin with or incur legal expenses related to that claim.

Final Notes on Monetary Damages for Wrongful Deaths

Losing a loved one under normal circumstances is difficult to begin with. When that death is caused by the actions of another individual or company, it makes the situation even more painful. Wrongful death cases are a way for family members to seek justice for that wrong-doing and to alleviate the financial burden caused by it. If you believe the death of a loved one is the result of negligence of wrongdoing, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We can help you decide whether to file a claim and what types of monetary damages to request.